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    Interview with Ginni Messina, author of "Vegan for Life"

    human vegetable
    human vegetable

    Anzahl der Beiträge : 1944
    Anmeldedatum : 17.10.10
    Ort : bei Trier

    Interview with Ginni Messina, author of "Vegan for Life" Empty Interview with Ginni Messina, author of "Vegan for Life"

    Beitrag  human vegetable Di Okt 25, 2011 4:31 am

    Interessante Passage:

    Though you are a registered dietician, you have written in the past that the best argument for veganism is the ethical/animal argument. Why don’t you believe that the health argument should be the driver?

    I think it’s great if people want to talk about the health benefits of eating more plant foods and fewer animal foods. Unfortunately, though, we have no data to show that you need to go 100 percent animal-free in order to be healthy. So there really isn’t a “health argument” for vegan diet, let alone vegan lifestyle.

    This means that if we want to promote veganism for personal gain or health benefits, we need to overstate the findings and tweak the science. And what does it say about our movement if we’re advocating for animals by using a not-quite-honest or not-quite-scientifically-supportable message?

    Some might say that we should appeal to every possible motivation in getting people to stop eating animals, and that’s a tempting argument. I’d probably buy it if I thought it would work. But I don’t see that advocacy built on a shaky factual foundation or on precepts that are ever-changing can prevail in the long run.

    No one knows what the exact “ideal” diet for humans is, or if there is any single diet that fits that definition. I talk with my colleagues frequently about new research and whether we need to reassess some of our recommendations or advice based on the latest findings – because ideas about the best way to eat are forever changing. Who knows what the research will be showing 40 years from now? But an ethic of justice doesn’t change. The argument in favor of animal rights today will be the same in 40 years. So why not stick with the argument that is 100 percent unassailable, the one that we never have to scramble to defend in light of new findings?

    In addition, I think there is a real problem in shifting the focus of veganism away from an ethic of justice for animals toward more anthropocentric concerns. It actually reinforces the idea that our food and lifestyle choices should be all about us – a belief that lies at the center of animal exploitation.

    Anzahl der Beiträge : 565
    Anmeldedatum : 01.08.11
    Ort : Dortmund

    Interview with Ginni Messina, author of "Vegan for Life" Empty Re: Interview with Ginni Messina, author of "Vegan for Life"

    Beitrag  robert Di Okt 25, 2011 5:08 am

    Ich finde auch seinen ersten Satz ziemlich gut:
    The unfortunate truth is that we vegans need to prove that our diet is a healthy choice. Anyone on any type of diet can get sick if they make bad food choices, but when vegans get sick, people blame veganism.
    Max Byron
    Max Byron

    Anzahl der Beiträge : 565
    Anmeldedatum : 13.10.11
    Alter : 32
    Ort : Allgäu

    Interview with Ginni Messina, author of "Vegan for Life" Empty Re: Interview with Ginni Messina, author of "Vegan for Life"

    Beitrag  Max Byron Di Okt 25, 2011 5:18 am

    robert schrieb:Ich finde auch seinen ersten Satz ziemlich gut:
    The unfortunate truth is that we vegans need to prove that our diet is a healthy choice. Anyone on any type of diet can get sick if they make bad food choices, but when vegans get sick, people blame veganism.

    es ist teilweise einfach nur paradox: leute die sich hauptsächlich von fleisch, fast food, fertiggerichten und ungesunden fetten und kohlenhydraten, dabei kaum von gemüse/obst ernähren sind immer die ersten die eine vegane ernährung als mangelernährung darstellen...

    ...geht mir zumindest in meinem umfeld so. es ist traurig dass die meisten leute davon ausgehen sie haben eine ausreichende nährstoffzufuhr wenn sie alles wahllos in sich reinfressen...

    Interview with Ginni Messina, author of "Vegan for Life" Empty Re: Interview with Ginni Messina, author of "Vegan for Life"

    Beitrag  Gast Di Okt 25, 2011 10:15 am

    Ich finde den Ansatz gut. Das einzige richtige Argument für vegan ist die Vermeidung von Tierleid.

    Ich denke man tut sich und der Sache mit einer Schönfärberei keinen Gefallen.

    Anzahl der Beiträge : 260
    Anmeldedatum : 12.09.10
    Alter : 33
    Ort : Süderhastedt

    Interview with Ginni Messina, author of "Vegan for Life" Empty Re: Interview with Ginni Messina, author of "Vegan for Life"

    Beitrag  Dade Do Okt 27, 2011 10:12 am

    robert schrieb:Ich finde auch seinen ersten Satz ziemlich gut:
    The unfortunate truth is that we vegans need to prove that our diet is a healthy choice. Anyone on any type of diet can get sick if they make bad food choices, but when vegans get sick, people blame veganism.

    Ihren! Und stimme dir zu Smile

    Das Buch, ist übrigens auch sehr zu empfehlen, gerade als Empfehlung für Neu-Veganer (die die noch nicht grün hinter den Ohren sind cheers ) imho. Die Messina hat das Buch ja zusammen mit dem Jack Norris geschrieben, dessen Artikel hier sicherlich einige kennen und schätzen.

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    Interview with Ginni Messina, author of "Vegan for Life" Empty Re: Interview with Ginni Messina, author of "Vegan for Life"

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